Ultrafiltration Therapy

Fluid Overload Treatment.

Each year, millions of hospital patients require treatment for fluid overload. Currently, the vast majority of hospitalized fluid overload patients are treated with IV diuretics, inotropes and combination therapies. While these pharmacological approaches are effective in many patients, they may not always provide timely relief of symptoms without adverse effects.1

Isolated ultrafiltration using an extracorporeal filter to remove isotonic fluid is another treatment option.

Advantages of mechanical ultrafiltration may include:

  • Controlled and predictable fluid removal
  • Significant sodium removal while helping to avoid other electrolyte disturbances 

The NxStage® System One provides a platform to administer ultrafiltration therapy as part of an overall inpatient program when diuretics prove to be ineffective.

Risks and Responsibilities

Kidney replacement therapy, as with any medical therapy is not without risks. The decision of which therapy and medical device to use should be made by the physician, based on previous experience and on the individual facts and circumstances of the patient.

There is no literature demonstrating that one therapy is clinically better than the other.2

The use of anticoagulation is at the discretion of the prescribing physician.

Learn more about how NxStage products and therapies can help you and your patients.

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  1. Vaara, S., et al. “Fluid Overload Is Associated with an Increased Risk for 90-Day Mortality in Critically Ill Patients with Renal Replacement Therapy: Data from the Prospective FINNAKI Study.” Critical Care 16, no. 5 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/cc11682.
  2. Kraus MA. Selection of Dialysate and replacement fluids and management of electrolyte and acid-base disturbances. Semin Dial 2009;22(2):137-140


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